Fuzzy logic is widely applied in various fields, such as industry, communications, etc. Fuzzy logic
was developed to solve an obscure problem. The problem that arises in the production at MSMEs
Songket Silungkang and Songket Pandai Sikek at this time is that there is no system used as a
reference in determining the amount of production in the future. Where this method can utilize
demand and supply data in the past which is then processed with fuzzy stages so as to produce
production figures. The government has prioritized the development of the Silungkang songket
handicraft business, which is a regional specialty, in order to enter the export market. In the early
stages, the priority of the regional government was to increase the production of craftsmen by
facilitating coaching for micro, small and medium enterprises (MSMEs), especially those engaged in
songket crafts, to continue to be developed by increasing quality and creativity. By applying the
Fuzzy Inference System method in predicting the production of Songket Silungkang Kota
Sawahlunto and Songket Pandai Sikek Kota Agam can help several parties such as the government,
micro, small and medium enterprises in making efforts to handle and make good decisions towards
increasing the production of Songket MSMEs in each region. and can provide a comparison of the
predicted results of production for the coming period so that it can produce the optimal number of
songket based on market demand.
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