Author Guideline

  1. Articles should not be published in any media publications and do not contain plagiarism.
  2. Article can from research and conceptual article and minimum articles 10-15 page
  3. Article can be written in English or Bahasa for 5500-7500 words not include title, abstract, author, affiliation of author, correspondence of author and reference. Article write with computer with 3cm all margins in single spacing using Times New Roman Font type and 11 font size.  
  4. The title should be in 2 languages (English and Bahasa) and the title of the article is no more than 12 words for English and no more than 15 words for Bahasa.
  5. Authors name must be attached after title of article. All authors should be accompanied address, including name of institution and email address.
  6. Abstract must be written in English and Bahasa if the article in Bahasa or in Bahasa and English if the article in English. Abstract no more than 250 words. Abstract both of English and Bahasa must completed with 3-5 keywords.
  7. Introduction is written with Times New Roman font type, 12 font size with and bold. Content of introduction is problem background, hypothesis (if any), significant idea to distinguish with the same issue has been published and purpose of research.
  8. Literature review is not written in separated chapter, but integrated with introduction. Reference should be a primary reference, relevant, up to date and –more important- distinguishable with the article both in topic or specifics issue.
  9. Methods should explain subject and object research with detail. In thus section, do not write method concept or any theory, but write how the article data has been conducted practically.
  10. Result and Discussion is only for data/information related to research objective. It’s should be write with systematic and logic description, table, figure, schema, image, maps, and all patterns to describe the result. Table, figure, schema, image, maps and other should completed with title and number.
  11. Conclusion is author interpretation from result and discussion to advise and mention recommendation or suggestion.
  12. Reference writing: Jurnal Kata bibliographic style journals use the American Psychological Association (APA) style and must use Mendelay or Zotero applications

Structure of Scientific Articles

In general, the structure of scientific articles from the research results consists of nine main parts, namely: (1) title; (2) ownership lines; (3) abstract; (4) keywords; (5) introduction; (6) method; (7) results and discussion; (8) conclusion; (9) bibliography.   (A TEMPLATE CAN BE DOWNLOADED IN   HERE ).


The title should be concise and informative, with no more than 12 words, including conjunctions. In order for the title to be concise in 12 words, avoid conjunctions and mention   very detailed object, place or research material.

The title contains key words from the topic under study. Font Times New Roman 14, with   single-spaced row distance

Titles in Indonesian or English, according to the language used in the text and avoid using abbreviations, formulas and references.

Ownership lines ( authorship lines )

The affiliation of student institutions follows the place where the student is studying.

The names of the authors should only be one person who actually participated in the study.

Academic position or degree   no need to be included

The name of the institution is completely included up to   the name of the country, written under the name of the author along with the postal, e-mail and facsimile address (if any) for the purposes of the correspondent.

If the author is more than   one person and from a different institution, all addresses are listed by giving a lowercase superscript of a behind the author's name in sequence.

Corresponding author's name is an asterisk (*).


Abstracts are written in a concise and factual manner, covering research objectives, research methods, results and conclusions

Abstracts are written in one paragraph; written in two languages (Indonesian and English);     long   Crash ranges from 150-200 words.

Avoid referrals and short uses that are not common.

Keywords .

Kunnci words consist of 3 to 5 words and / or groups of words, written in alphabetical order and between keywords separated by semicolons (;).

Avoid lots of conjunctions (and, with, others)


Avoid sub-sub in the introduction

The introduction should contain the background of the problems, problems and objectives of the study

The percentage of the initial page length is 10-15% of the total length of the text

Reference is indicated by writing the surname / last name of the author and the year of publication, without the page number. The theoretical foundation is displayed in complete, concise sentences, and is truly relevant to the purpose of writing the ilmaih article.

Research method .

Complete information on the methods used include the subjects studied, tools used, experimental designs or designs used, sampling techniques, measured variables, data collection techniques, analysis and statistical models used.

Avoid painting statistical formulas in excess

For qualitative research, research methods can adjust.

Results and Discussion

The format of the results of the study and discussion were not separated, given the limited number of pages available to the author.

Research results can be presented with the support of tables, graphs or images as needed to clarify verbally results.

Title tables and graphs or captions are arranged in the form of phrases   (not sentences) briefly.

Image or graphic information is placed under the image or graphic and the table title or image on it.

Don't repeat writing the numbers listed in the table in the discussion text.

Avoid copying and pasting the results of statistical analysis tables directly from statistical data processing software.

The discussion material mainly examines whether the results obtained are in accordance with the hypothesis or not, and put forward the argument based on the results of previous research by other researchers.

Reference references in the discussion should not be too long (if necessary avoid).

Citation of research results or other people's opinions should be summarized in their own language.


Conclusions should be answers or research questions, and expressed not in statistical sentences.

Written along one paragraph in the form of an essay, not deep   numerical .

Datar Library

General provisions for writing bibliography:

The referral system and bibliography must use the Mendeley program ( ), Zotero applications, which uses the APA (Association Psychology of America) system

The references included in the bibliography are only references that are actually quoted in the text.

For research articles, the bibliography is referred to from around 10-15 scientific journal articles. While at least non-research articles have referred to 15 scientific articles.

Update of scientific journals referred to at least the last 10 years.

The bibliography is arranged alphabetically and reference writing begins   with capital letters only at the beginning of the sentence.

Each writing name, year, article title and so on ends with a point (.) Before the next word continues. Specifically for writing volume (number), the journal is given a colon (:) without space spacing.

Provisions for referral writing are based on reference criteria   :

If the source library is in the form   articles in journals , written in the following order: author's name, year, article title, journal name, volume (number), page (the name of the journal is italicized).


Lambert, L. 2003. Leadership Redefined: Anvocative Context for Teacher Leadership.   Journal of School Leadership and Management.   23 (4): 29-44.

If the source library is in the form   textbooks , written in the following order: name of author, year, title of book, edition, city of publisher: name of publisher (title of book in italics)


Miftah Toha. 2010   Leadership in management , Jakarta: Rajawali Press

If the source library is in the form   translation book   written in sequence: original author's name, year of translation book, translation book title, volume (if any), edition (if any), city translation        publisher: publisher name (title printed in italics)


Steel, RGD & Torrie, JH 1991.   Statistical principles and procedures, a biometric approach . B. Sumantri's translation. Jakarta: PT Gramedia

If the source library is in the form   articles in a collection of articles   written in order: the name of the author of the article, the title of the article in the name of the editor if there is Ed (if single) or Eds (if more than one) in parentheses, year, book title, volume (if any), edition (if any), publisher city: publisher name (title printed in italics)


Ancok, D. Validity and reliability of research instruments. In: Singarimbun M and Efendi (Eds). 1999   Survey research method . Jakarta: LP3ES

If the source library is in the form   articles in proceedings   written in the following order: the name of the author, year, title of the seminar script, proceedings title, venue for the seminar, time of administration   (the title of the book is italicized).


Alimi, MY 2011.   Proceedings of the International Fails to Nature Character Proceedings of the International Conference Ethics in Development . Semarang, July 17-19 2011.

If the source library is in the form   unpublished scientific work   (eg: theses, theses, dissertations and research reports), written in the following order: author's name, year, research report title, research project name, publisher's city: Publisher agency (writing of thesis, dissertation and research report in italics).


Jainabee Md Kassim. 2005. Organizational culture and job satisfaction at the Malaysian College Student Association.   Thesis.   Faculty of Education, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia

If the source library is in the form   journal article   online, written in sequence: author's name, year, article title, journal name, volume (number): page (journal name is italicized).


Ernada, SE2005. Challenges to the modern concept of human rights. J. Sosial-Politika.6 (11): 1-12