Penjatuhan Dan Eksekusi Putusan Pidana Tambahan Berupa Chemical Castration Terhadap Kejahatan Paedofil


  • Nurliza Fitriyani Br. Angkat Kejaksaan Republik Indonesia


Chemical Castration, Judge's Decision, Execution, Attorney


The conviction of chemical castration decision, MABS is a breath of fresh air in law enforcement in Indonesia, but in this decision there are several problems that cause the prosecutor as the executor of the court decision to experience difficulties in the execution process so that an internal rule of the prosecutor's office is needed which serves as a guide for prosecutors in carrying out the execution of chemical castration. This paper will discuss: what are the judges' considerations in imposing additional punishment for chemical castration for perpetrators of sexual violence against children in a District Court decision? How are the efforts of the prosecutor as executor of the court's decision in executing the chemical castration dictum in the decision of the District Court? This article uses sociological legal research methods included in empirical research. The results showed that the verdict in An. Muh Aris bin Sukur is ultra petita in which the judge renders a verdict that exceeds the charges and demands of the prosecutor. In addition, the judge did not heed the written provisions in the Child Protection Law to include the length of time for the implementation of chemical castration in his decision. The independence of the judge in making a decision, the judge's oversight body does not have the authority to comment on the judge's decision and the appeal that has been made, but the PT Surabaya decision strengthens the Mojokerto District Court decision without any other legal remedy so that the decision is legally binding. Prosecutors have experienced difficulties in its implementation because the regulations regarding the minimum period for implementing chemical castration and the detailed instructions for its implementation have not been regulated so that the prosecutor as the executor of chemical castration needs a guideline that can be used as a reference in implementing chemical castration.


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