Prospektif Mediasi Penal Dalam Penanganan Tindak Pidana Korupsi Pungutan Liar


  • Suria Miftah Irawan Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Kepolisian


Corruption, Illegal Levies, Restorative Justice, Public Services


This study discusses the prospective penal mediation in the handling of illegal fees (a study at the Kotabaru Police Corruption Unit). Lack of public trust in Polri investigators in handling corruption crimes has raised public suspicion against the Police. Based on the results of a survey of the public regarding public services, it is still found that the practice of extortion is still carried out by the authorities. The practice of extortion also occurs by one of the Kotabaru Police. Using conceptual liberties, namely penal mediation, police discretion, corruption, and extortion. The theoretical basis uses economic analysis of law theory, progressive legal theory, restorative justice theory.

