Pengalaman Caregiver dalam Merawat Klien Skizofrenia di Kota Sungai Penuh

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Gita Kirana Dewi


The clients with schizophrenia need continuous support from the caregivers. This condition causes the caregiver having various burden during taking care of clients with schizophrenia. The burden when they care for schizophrenic client such as physical, psychological and social burdens. This study aims to explore deeply the caregivers’ experience when caring for schizophrenic clients in Sungai Penuh. This research is qualitative study using phenomenology approach. The data are obtained from seven female participants by dig deep interviews. The results of the interviews were analyzed using Collaizi method. The research results showed five main themes, the problems, the perceived burden, the coping strategy used, the caregiver's perception towards their life quality, and the experience of the health service center. It is expected that the nurses are able to provide the best service, able to detect and find the solutions from problems that experienced by caregiver. Finally, they are able to reduce the burden felt by caregiver that the caregiver’ quality of life be in good category.

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