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Yahya Marpaung
Hartati Hartati
Dorisnita Dorisnita
Mila Usniza
Mindi Claudia Matari


COVID-19 disease is very dangerous for anyone, because this disease is not ordinary. This disease can be transmitted to anyone. Transmission of this disease can be through humans, animals, or objects. RSUP Dr. M. Djamil Padang is one of the largest government hospitals in West Sumatra and is also one of the places where Covid-19 patients are isolated. The rapid transmission of COVID-19 will also have an impact on the staff at Dr. RSUP. M. Djamil. One of the impacts that occurred was the number of staff at the Dr. M. Djamil who tested positive for covid-19. Based on data obtained in 2020 the number of officers exposed to Covid-19 was 1072 officers, the highest number of officers exposed to Covid-19 occurred in October - December with a total of 210 people. The pattern of transmission of COVID-19 among staff is not yet known, whether this transmission occurs from the patient or from the staff's own family. This study aims to determine the cause of Covid-19 transmission in medical and non-medical staff at Dr M Djamil Hospital, Padang. The research method used is descriptive quantitative with Secondary Data Analysis (ADS) approach. The results of this study indicate the frequency distribution that is confirmed positive based on the characteristics of the respondents are women, nurses and have a history of contact. Furthermore, based on the dominant work environment, positive confirmation is in the red zone. Meanwhile, based on behavior, deviations were found, where those who were confirmed positive were those who washed their hands, wore PPE, and masks, but did not comply with physical distancing. The results of this study also obtained data that the most confirmed positive Covid-19 officers were officers who worked as nurses and doctors of PPDS.

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