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Ratna Juwita
Lia Fentia
Yeffi Masnarivan


TB disease is still a public health problem today. At least one person will be infected with TB every
second. The existence of different characteristics of TB patients in Pekanbaru City will lead to
different health quality and problem burden. One strategy to overcome this is through the method of
grouping areas in Pekanbaru City which have certain characteristics based on the causes of TB.
This study aims to determine the risk factor model for TB disease. This research is a descriptive
analytic study using secondary data analysis conducted in Pekanbaru City from March to August
2020. The data were analyzed using cluster, biplot and discriminant analysis. From the results of the
study, it was found that 3 sub-district clusters were based on the risk factors for TB. There are 4
variables that significantly differentiate between the three clusters, namely the TB prevalence
variable, the number of health workers, the number of health facilities, and the percentage of
malnourished children under five. The variable number of health workers was the most dominant
variable in differentiating between groups followed by the percentage of under-fives with

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