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Enda Gusnita
Yuniar Lestari
Husna Yetti
Nelmi Silvia
Nizwardi Azkha



Data laporan kecelakaan kerja RSUD Dr. Muhammad Zein Painan tahun 2019 hingga 2022 tercatat 18 kasus. Penyakit Akibat Kerja yang tercatat corona virus disease 2019, menginfeksi 213 petugas. Tujuan penelitian ini menganalisis pelaksanaan Keselamatan dan Kesehatan Kerja Rumah Sakit. Penelitian dilaksanakan Januari-Juni 2023. Metode penelitian kombinasi (mixed method) model concurrent embedded (campuran tak berimbang). Hasil penelitian kualitatif  diketahui bahwa pelaksanaan manajemen risiko belum terlaksana semua ruangan RS, pengukuran lingkungan kerja dan pengukuran sampel personel belum optimal, metode Failure Modes and Effect Analysis belum disusun pada identifikasi risiko keselamatan petugas, untuk pelaksanaan keselamatan dan keamanan RS juga belum terlaksana dengan baik karena masih ditemukan beberapa kasus seperti tertusuk jarum, pasien jatuh, keluarga pasien jatuh, petugas tertimpa. Selain itu, pengawasan beberapa ruangan beresiko masih kurang karena tidak berfungsi kamera pengawas dan tidak memiliki scanner sidik jari. Pelaksanaan pelayanan kesehatan kerja masih belum optimal, hal ini disebabkan karena beberapa aspek kegiatan promotif, preventif, dan rehabilitatif belum terlaksana. Hal ini diperkuat hasil penelitian kuantitatif, ada 3 (tiga) standar dengan persentase yang dinilai tidak baik dari persepsi petugas RS yaitu manajemen risiko (65,9%), keselamatan dan keamanan pasien (63,6%) dan pelayanan kesehatan kerja (70,5%). Pelaksanaan keselamatan dan kerja Rumah Sakit belum terlaksana dengan baik dan belum optimal. Diharapkan Rumah Sakit perlu memenuhi semua standar pelaksanaan dan mengacu peraturan yang berlaku.


Kata kunci          : keselamatan; kesehatan; kerja; Rumah Sakit

Daftar Pustaka    : 57 (2018-2023)




Data on work accident reports at Dr. Muhammad Zein Painan Hospital from 2019 to 2022 recorded 18 cases. Occupational Disease recorded corona virus disease 2019, infected 213 hospital staff. The purpose of this study is to analyze the implementation of Hospital Occupational Safety and Health. The research was conducted from January to June 2023. Mixed method research method concurrent embedded model. The results of the qualitative research show that the implementation of risk management has not been carried out in all rooms of the hospital, the measurement of the work environment and the measurement of sample personnel has not been optimal, the Failure Modes and Effect Analysis method has not been prepared for identification of safety risks for officers, for the implementation of hospital safety and security it has also not been implemented properly because still found several cases such as needle sticks, patient falls, the patient's family falls, officers are crushed. In addition, surveillance of some rooms is at risk of still lacking because closed circuit television do not function and do not have fingerprint scanners. The implementation of occupational health services is still not optimal, this is because several aspects of promotive, preventive, and rehabilitative activities have not been carried out. This is reinforced by the results of quantitative research, there are 3 (three) standards with a percentage that is considered not good from the perception of hospital officers, namely risk management (65.9%), patient safety and security (63.6%) and occupational health services (70.5%). The implementation of safety and work of the Hospital has not been carried out properly and has not been optimal. It is expected that the Hospital needs to meet all implementation standards and refer to applicable regulations.


Keywords            : safety; health; work; hospital

Bibliography       : 57 (2018-2023)


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