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Abdi Iswahyudi Yasril
Mila Sari


                Structural Equation Modeling method is able to control the problem of stunting events. Stunting is one of the nutritional problems experienced by toddlers in the world. Based on the data that has been obtained that West Sumatra Province still has a stunting proportion of 27.47%, this is still close to the value of Indonesia's stunting proportion which is 27.67%. The purpose of this study is to implement the Structural Eqution Model (SEM) application so that it can be known how big the cause of the specific program, sensitive to stunting events in West Sumatra Province. This type of research is non-reactive because researchers do not ask or do something to get a response from the individual or group they study but this study uses data from a document, namely secondary data from health centers in West Sumatra Province, this study is cross sectional because it is only done at one time. After the results are obtained, it is continued to sem analysis to determine the risks of the specific program, sensitive program as the cause of stunting events. The results of the study obtained a model of factors that affect the incidence of stunting, from 7 independent variables, 5 variables proved to significantly affect stunting. (T-value > 1.96) namely ANC (t-value= 4,792; β = -0.519), Exclusive Asi (t-value= 3,869; β = -0.365), Immunization (t-value= 1,981; β = -0.122), Sanitation (t-value= 3,529; β = -0.210) and BBLR (t-value= 2,639; β = -0.349), 2 non-significant variables namely IMD (t-value = 1,749 < 1.96) and Kb (t-value = 1,756 < 1.96). So that it can only affect indirectly through the pathways in the model. The conclusion in this study is that the ANC has a direct and indirect influence on stunting events. It is expected that the health service can determine the planning of solving the stunting problem, because it will be known the model of the factors that cause stunting so that planning can be directed at variables that have a more significant influence either directly or indirectly so that stunting events can be lowered and controlled until the standards that have been determined

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