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Anastasia Putu Martha Anggarani
Raditya Kurniawan Djoar
Elsa Davina Zefanya
Serti Dewi Wijaya


Musculoskeletal Disorders (MSDs) are disorders of the musculoskeletal system caused or aggravated by interactions in the work environment. The musculoskeletal system consists of muscles, connective tissue, tendons, joints, ligaments and the nervous system. Musculoskeletal complaints occur in the skeletal muscles experienced by a person ranging from mild complaints to very severe complaints. Several factors that can trigger the occurrence of MSDs are years of work, body mass index (BMI), and the habit of not doing exercise. This research was conducted to determine the level of risk of MSDs in workers in Surabaya. The method used is descriptive research. The workers were given informed consent, after agreeing to take part in the research, the workers were asked to fill out a questionnaire via a google form and the results of the questionnaire were recapitulated and processed into descriptive data. Research on MSDs involved 101 respondents consisting of 31 women and 70 men who had jobs as office workers, health workers, and housewives. Based on the research that has been done, the results obtained are as many as 88 (87.1%) respondents have a low risk of experiencing MSDs while as many as 13 (12.9%) respondents have a moderate risk of experiencing MSDs. To avoid the occurrence of MSDs, workers are expected to be able to stretch in between jobs and be able to modify work tools so that workers can work in an ergonomic position.


Keywords: Musculoskeletal Disorders (MSDs); musculoskeletal

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