
  • Yuniarsih Universitas Negeri Jakarta
  • Diana Kartika Universitas Bung Hatta



Usage Proficiency, Language Skills, Child


Every child will experience a process of development and language acquisition from birth to adulthood. Language development is related to cognitive development which greatly influences the development of language skills (linguistic skills). Linguistic intelligence is also called language intelligence, namely the ability to use words effectively both orally and in writing. This intelligence includes sensitivity to the meaning of words, word order, sound, rhythm and intonation of spoken words, including the ability to understand the power of words in changing states of mind and conveying information (Gardner, 2011). The aim of this research is to describe the linguistic skills of 8 year old children and determine the factors of parenting style, interpersonal skills, intelligence, and cognitive abilities on the linguistic skills of 8 year old children and to see the development of early childhood communication and socialization literacy and to inform parents about children's developmental needs. The method used is a qualitative descriptive approach with data collection techniques through observation, recording stories and documentation. The unit of analysis in this research is two children who have different characters (Al and Radit). The research results show the role of parenting styles in supporting children's linguistic skills by building a language environment that is appropriate to the development level of early childhood. Democratic parenting can enable children to express their thoughts freely to their parents.


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